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HTML5 Attributes

Attributes provide additional information about HTML elements

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What is an Element Attribute?



What is an Element Attribute?

  • Attributes provide additional information, such as width, height, relationship and many more, about the HTML element that they are nested within.
  • Attributes are always specified in the element start tag.
  • All HTML elements can have attributes.
  • The set of available attributes varies depending on the element.


class attribute


  • You can style elements using CSS by adding the class attribute to an element.
  • Elements can have multiple classes.
    • If using more than 1 class for an element, then seperate the class names with a space, see Example class attribute.
    • The following using class twice is wrong
      <p class="example-colour" class="large">Your text ect. here</p>
  • A class can be applied to multiple elements.
  • In the CSS markup class names always start with a full stop . symbol.
    In the 2 following examples the class names are: example-colour & large

Example class attribute using multiple classes


 <p class="example-colour large">Your text ect. here</p>

When styling a class in CSS remember to start with the full stop . symbol


.example-colour { color: red;}
.large { font-size: large;}


Your text ect. here

id attribute


  • Elements can be styled with an id, but it is better to do this using class
  • An id must be unique on a page

  • Only 1 id per element allowed

  • When styling a id in CSS remember to start with the hash sign #
    #mainheader { font-size: xx-large; }
  • The main use of an id should be:
    • To identify an element to be a target by JavaScript
    • To identify a location that you want a hyperlink to go to. In HTML 4 this was called a named anchor.
      <h2><a id="id-attribute"></a>id attribute</h2>
    • When using form labels
      <p><label for="first-name">First Name:</label><input type="text" name="first-name" 1d="first-name"></p>

HTML Tutorial by John McGuinn.